Four of the Greatest Foods to Eat While Camping

Four of the Greatest Foods to Eat While Camping

Camping may be ‘roughing it’, but one thing that can still be as satisfying as ever is the food.

The menu is a big part of camping. You have to do a lot of planning to make meals while out in the mountains. If you are going to go to great lengths to prepare a meal, you want it to be absolutely delicious.

As you are planning the menu for your next camping trip, add in these camping favorites. They are easy to prepare while outdoors and will leave every belly happy.

Tin Foil Dinners

Tin foil dinners are a great meal while out camping. You can pack individual servings of pre-cut meat and vegetables. You simply throw these into the fire and have a nutritious, delicious meal in under an hour. Tin foil dinners are great for three reasons. First, they can be prepared beforehand. You make these at home and pack them in a cooler full of ice. Second, clean-up is virtually non-existent. You simply throw away the tin foil after you eat. Third, it is absolutely delicious.

Dutch Oven

The taste of a Dutch oven meal is a camping must. A Dutch oven is like a camping crockpot. The possibilities are endless. Stew, chicken and rice and barbeque pork are always delicious choices. Dutch oven peach cobbler should be a dessert at every single camping outing. Clean-up is also fairly easy. If you line the Dutch oven with foil there is hardly any mess. Don’t forget to pack some coals to go on top and bottom of the Dutch oven.

Over the Fire

Every camping night ends with a campfire. Dinner is a perfect time to take advantage of the fire. You can sit around and chat while making dinner. Hot dogs are a given when thinking of meals to cook over the fire. They are delicious, easy and create the perfect camping ambiance. You can also cook canned breadsticks and biscuits on a stick over the campfire.


Anytime a fire is build it seems that someone always has graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate on hand. This traditional camping treat is not only fun to make, but brings a traditional feeling to the getaway. Be sure to pack extra marshmallows because they often get burnt. And extra chocolate – it often gets snuck back to the tent.

Author Bio: Boyde McMakin has been traveling the country with his wife and two kids for the past 14 years. They take most of their trips in the family RV and have made a lot of memories along the way. Boyde works for PPL Motor Homes in Houston, TX. PPL has one of the largest selections of used RV’s for sale in the country and also carries many RV parts and accessories.